5/18 Great Meadow Public Night Cancelled
It doesn't look like there will be a change in the weather pattern, so the public night is cancelled. Ray Young Great Meadow site coordinator
It doesn't look like there will be a change in the weather pattern, so the public night is cancelled. Ray Young Great Meadow site coordinator
In light of the rainy forecast, tonight's public night is cancelled for tonight, 4/15/2018.  Ray Young  Great Meadow site coordinator
There's a public night scheduled tomorrow, Feb 18, at Great Meadow. The weather forecast is pretty decent. However, the state of the field is not known. I will send out an email tomorrow as to whether the ground is too wet to hold the event. A group of special needs scouts who are taking the [...]
The Clear Sky Chart for September 22 doesn't look too promising, so I'm cancelling the public night.  Ray Young  Great Meadow site coordinator
Forecast of heavy rains force cancellation of the public night at Great Meadow. We'll try again in August. Ray Young Great Meadow site coordinator
Due to the cloudy weather today, the Great Meadow public night is cancelled. Ray
The event is cancelled due to poor weather conditions. Sorry! Ray Young, Site CoordinatorÂ
The public events for Crockett and Great Meadow are cancelled due to bad weather projected for this evening! Sorry and see you all next month. Â
Snow and clouds are in the forecast so the Great Meadow Public Observing Night scheduled for tonight (3-5-2016) is cancelled due to bad weather. Sincerely, Lyle Mars Great Meadow Site Coordinator
There is a Great Meadow public observing session scheduled for this Saturday night. (1-16-2016, 5:00 - 10:00 pm). I will be traveling this weekend so I am unable to attend and I will not be able to send out an email to cancel if the weather is bad so please check the weather forecast before [...]