To Observe…And to Help others Observe
Founded 1980
Incorporated November, 1991
NOVAC is located in the state of Virginia, in the United States of America. Our members primarily reside in the counties near Washington D.C. Our primary purpose is providing enjoyment and education to the public (and ourselves!) through amateur astronomy. We strive to be a friendly club with a focus on observing, and we are one of the largest clubs in the United States with 1100+ members.
Some might call this plain old “Star-gazing.” But to get anywhere in astronomy, one must first learn the constellations, how to find objects in the sky, and (most importantly if you have one) how to use that expensive telescope properly.
By joining NOVAC, you will have the opportunity to meet others who have common interests and the opportunity to exchange ideas. Through our public programs, you will also get a chance to be involved in serving the public and to introduce others to the joys of astronomy.
To facilitate the club’s operations, we collect dues. The bulk of the dues cover the publishing of the club newsletter, Astronomical League membership, the purchasing of club equipment, and the updating of the club library. NOVAC is incorporated as a not for profit, non stock, educational corporation in the State of Virginia, and is recognized by the U.S. I.R.S. as such a corporation. Therefore a portion of your dues and any donations you wish to make may be tax deductible.
Whether an interested beginner or an experienced amateur astronomer, we think you will find joining NOVAC a rewarding experience. Our motto isTo Observe and to Help Others Observe: we aim to benefit everyone who wishes to learn more about astronomy.
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