Clear Sky Clocks
Blue Ridge Regional Park, Va (Savage)
Little Bennett Regional Park, Md
National Weather Service Forecasts
NWS Model Output Statistical (MOS) graphics (Learn more)
NWS Gridded MOS graphics. DC Area Zoom, WVa (goes out 7 days)
NWS mid-range model for probability of clear skies. (goes out 4 days)
NWS mid-range model for probability of sky cover. (goes out 4 days)
NWS longer-range model for probabililty of mostly clear skies.
(goes out 8 days)
NWS Digital Forecasts
NWS Experimental Cloud Cover Graphical Forecasts (Northeast Metro Area)
Forecasts from local NWS forecast offices
NWS Sterling Weather Office (Virginia/Maryland
Current GOES Satellite Imagery
The GOES images have been updated with live images from MidAtlantic captures. Link to full page worth of options
High Resolution Infrared Satellite
Infrared Image / Infrared Image Loop
High Resolution Visible Satellite
NWS Charleston Weather Office (West Virginia)
Bob Bunge’s Seven Day Cloud Cover Plots from NWS digital forecasts
Dulles Upper Air Sounding Plot (Java applet)
Upper air soundings plot temperature and dew point of the atmosphere as collected by a weather balloon. A tutorial for reading these is available. For astronomers, these can provide clues as to the stablity of the air – how good will the seeing be? These are normally updated every 12 hours.
Real-time Observation Monitor and Analysis Network (ROMAN). Locate weather stations near a location and see the most recent data. A map of the region showing available stations is available.
Quick links to stations in:
NWS Experimental Smoke and Ozone Forecasts – Might be usable to gauge impact forest fires will have on transparency.
If you are LOST in all this data, perhaps the best single source is the NWS forecast discussion. Here, the duty forecaster at the NWS office in Sterling puts down their thinking process behind the current forecast. Find it here. A glossary is available here.
Astronomy Weather Sites
– Has stargazing section showing sky conditions throughout the day and night
Weather Underground, Middleburg Station
– Shows sun and moon rise/set times and has an interactive star chart
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