NOVAC Public Meeting, NOVAC Swap Meet, 12/8/2024, 7:30 pm EST


Come to George Mason for the NOVAC monthly meeting and bring along any astro gear that you would like to trade or sell or give to other NOVAC members.  Doors to the meeting room will open at 7 PM. For those who chose to not venture out in the cold, the Google meet connection for the meeting will also become live at 7 PM for open discussion time.  The meeting will start at 7:30 with outreach announcements, upcoming events and details on how to vote online for annual election of officers and directors.  

This month you have the opportunity to find places for all that extra astro gear that you’ve been storing and hesitant to throw away.  Bring items along that you would like to share or sell with other club members.  You can sell the items, trade, or put your extra stuff up for adoption.  The gathering will be an informal hour to socialize and maybe find an item or two that you didn’t know you needed to take back home.

If you have a large or bulky item consider bringing pictures of what you wish to trade or sell or put up for adoption and make arrangement with anyone interested to complete the transfer later.

In Person Option:

Meet at George Mason University, Exploratory Hall, Room 3301. Check GMU web site for nearby parking options. Some lots or garages do charge for parking. Room will be open as early as 7:00 pm.

Join virtually using Google Meet:

Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 252-344-1407 PIN: ‪ ‪937 923 741‬#

The online meeting will be available at 7:00 pm for participant open discussion.

Share your recent observing experiences and new astro gear with your NOVAC colleagues either in person at GMU or online!


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