NOVAC Public Meeting, Dr. Duncan Lorimer, Fast Radio Bursts – A Cosmic Detective Story, 5/5/2024, 7:30 pm EDT

Dr. Duncan Lorimer from the University of West Virginia Department of Astronomy will join us virtually via Google Meet to discuss Fast Radio Bursts, a 2007 discovery lasting a few milliseconds releasing more energy than the Sun does in a month!

Dr. Duncan Lorimer


Fast Radio Bursts — A Cosmic Detective Story
Ever since their discovery as a new astronomical phenomenon in 2007, fast radio bursts (FRBs) have captivated the interest of researchers and the public. In just a few milliseconds,  FRBs release more energy than the Sun does in a month; enough energy for them to be seen billions of light years away.  In this talk,  I describe the discovery of FRBs, what they might be,  and how they are being used to probe the large-scale structure of the Universe.

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The online meeting will be available at 7:00 pm for participant open discussion.

Presentation Details:

Talk Title: Fast Radio Bursts — A Cosmic Detective Story 


Duncan Lorimer got his PhD. in 1994 for his contributions to Pulsar Astronomy from the University of Manchester in the U.K. under the supervision of Profs. Andrew Lyne, Dick Manchester and Matthew Bailes. Since then he has held positions at the University of Manchester (Lecturer; 1994-5); the Max-Planck-Institute for Radio Astronomy (Postdoctoral Fellow; 1995-8); Cornell University (Postdoctoral Fellow; 1998-2001); University of Manchester (Royal Society Research Fellow; 2001-6) and West Virginia University (Faculty; 2006-present). While at WVU, Along with his wife and fellow  astrophysicist Maura McLaughlin, Lorimer has helped establish the Center for Gravitational Waves and Cosmology. Lorimer’s scholarly achievements have been recognized on several occasions: a Cottrell Scholar Award (2008) from the Research Corporation for Scientific Advancement and both the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences and WVU’s recognition for excellence in teaching (2009, 2010) as well as the Benedum Distinguished Scholar Award in the Physical Sciences (2019). Among his notable research achievements are his many contributions to our understanding of the population of pulsars and the discovery of Fast Radio Bursts. Since 1994, Lorimer has been a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society.  In 2018 he was elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society. In 2023, along with Maura McLaughlin and Matthew Bailes, he received the Shaw Prize in Astronomy for the discovery of fast radio bursts. Lorimer has served as Associate and Interim Chair in the Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences as its Associate Dean for Research.

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