NOVAC Treasurer’s report and Thank you NOVAC volunteers and donors!


A big thank you to all NOVAC members for your volunteer and financial support during 2017! As of Feb 22, 2018, we have 675 full dues members and 189 “additional” members for a total of 864 NOVAC household members. Our club gains its strength from your membership and volunteer participation. Last month about 90 NOVAC volunteers and guests gathered at the David M Brown Planetarium in Arlington for recognition and socializing. These volunteers provided their knowledge and telescopes to share the heavens with thousands of people in northern Virginia at both NOVAC and invited events across northern Virginia.

In addition to the volunteer time our members provide it takes funding to operate the club. That funding comes from the 864 households that have 1 or more NOVAC members. Last year 456 of our members paid $27,135 in dues of which $19,355 came from standard memberships. If you are wondering about the other 216 members, they paid dues for 2 years during 2016. In 2017 sixty-five of our members elected to support NOVAC at the patron and supporting dues levels that added an additional $6,050. The $1,730 remaining dues income came from additional members of the 189 households that have two or more NOVAC members.

NOVAC is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. If you joined NOVAC at the Patron or Supporting membership levels the portion of your dues above $35 for each member may be tax deductible the year paid. The donation amount for $50/year Patron level dues is $15 for one year and $30 for 2 year memberships. For $100/year Supporting level dues the donation amount is $65 for one year and $130 for 2 year memberships. If you supported NOVAC at the Patron or Supporting level, do check the IRS instructions or consult your tax advisor to determine if you are entitled to deduct a charitable contribution from your 2017 taxable income. The additional household members dues are not tax deductible, but do provide significant additional support for NOVAC’s outreach efforts.

This past year we received cash donations of $158 from Amazon and eBay’s charitable foundations and a member donation.

This high level of volunteer time and financial support enables NOVAC to host 3 major events, provide the observing sites, provide lending telescopes and the library, provide special interest groups and cover the administrative expenses, mostly information technology, insurance and storage rental costs that enables NOVAC to function well. NOVAC is 100% volunteer, we have no compensated staff.

Each time you renew your NOVAC membership, consider participating at the patron or supporting levels or considering including up to 4 additional household members. 100% of your funding goes directly to NOVAC’s outreach and educational events and programs.

Thank you all for making NOVAC a top astronomy club!

Paul Derby, NOVAC Treasurer

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