Sign up for NOVAC membership using the form below. After you've finished entering the requested data, you can pay for your membership instantly, or you can elect to mail your dues check to the membership director in order to activate your membership.

Fields denoted with asterisks are required.

Mailing Address

Membership Details

Dues are $35/year for first member and $10/year for each additional member at the same address. You may also join as a patron ($50/year) or supporting member ($100/year). Membership benefits are identical at all levels.

Each additional household member who joins adds $10/year to your dues.

NOVAC has many volunteer opportunities available - outreach, public observing sessions, assisting at events, and more. Check this box if you'd like to be added to our volunteer contact email list.

NOVAC members who opt to join the Astronomical League (see below) can receive The Reflector by mail and/or by email.

Your desired username for the NOVAC website. Your account will be created once we've received your payment, at which point you will receive an email at the address you specified above. If you don't receive an email within 24 hours of electronic payment, please contact the Membership Coordinator.

DarkSky International
NOVAC members generously support the work of Dark Sky International. Click here to learn more about the work DSI conducts to address critical issues related to light pollution and dark skies.

NOVAC sponsors membership in the Astronomical League for each member. We provide our membership list to the AL so they can mail members the quarterly AL magazine, The Reflector. If you select this option, you're giving the AL your permission to share your name and address for astronomy-related promotions. Many members find these promotions interesting, but it's NOVAC's policy not to share information externally without specific member consent.

Select this option and one or more below if you'd like your contact information to be visible to other NOVAC members in our private membership directory. If you select nothing below, only your name will appear in the directory.